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Care Ministry

At Kitty Hawk United Methodist Church, we are “family,” and God is the center.


The Care Ministry Teams represent our “family” as Care Givers for Christ. Each week we call, visit, provide a meal, or send a card to those in need; we provide comfort as we reflect the love of Christ we all share.

  • The Care Ministry is made up of 13 teams, each serving one week each quarter. The teams consist of one leader/coordinator, and 5 to 7 members.

  • We have implemented a Funeral Team that specifically deals with bereavement and the organization/handling of funeral receptions at the church. This team consists of 12 members, which includes the Care Ministry Coordinator and a Funeral Team Leader.

  • We are averaging roughly 2 meals per week and have provided for approximately 57 individuals/families. Some of these individuals have received regularly scheduled meals while they undergo treatments, or as they recover from a surgery.

  • We try to visit our shut-ins once every month, and there are several visits made to members presently living in a local nursing facility.

  • We are averaging about 20-30 cards per month being sent out to those that are ill, hospitalized, or have lost a loved one. We continue to keep in touch with those that have lost their spouse and are living alone, because the adjustment for them continues for a very long time.


“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our trouble so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God”.  2 Corinthians 1: 3-4


To join the Care Ministry Team, contact Rendy King at



Sunday Services           9:30 AM 


(252) 261-2062

803 W. Kitty Hawk Rd.

Kitty Hawk, NC  27949





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© 2018 Kitty Hawk United Methodist Church

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